Fall 2022

Professor: Frank Kreimendahl

Office: Ira Allen 304

Email: kreimendahlf@wit.edu

Office hours: Wed 2-3, Th 12:30-2

Course Description

This course is an introduction to the analysis and implementation of data structures. Topics include bags, sets, lists, queues, trees, maps, recursion, sorting and searching.

Required Textbook

Koffman and Wolfgang. Data Structures: Abstraction and Design Using Java (4th ed.). Wiley, 2021.

Interesting Dates

Sep 13 — Last day of add/drop

Oct 10 — No class

Nov 22 — Last day to drop course with W

Nov 23-25 — Thanksgiving break


Time: Mon/Wed 3:30-4:50


Time: Fri 3:00-4:50